The mysterious and the incomprehensible word is "ligamentotomiya a lot of men wish there was a surgery to enlarge your penis. The Internet is full of ads with similar bids, but the effectiveness of conservative treatment for a few to believe it. Well, if you buy a "miracle drug" will just be useless. But it's worse when the damage is dealt and the health of the men, and his wallet. Still hoping for a plastic surgeons. When a man is satisfied with his physical body, he is happy with himself, his self-image corresponds to a high level, in intimate relationships, it is more relaxed.
There are rules for the size of the manhood?
Of course, the rigid frame of the standard size is not installed, and that it is stupid, if this was the case. The man does not come up, sufficient size of your penis, which will focus on their own aesthetic views and preferences of the partners. Note, however, that the length of the penis does not affect the level of satisfaction of women during sexual intercourse. Still a deviation from the norm, it is considered that there is no such thing as a micro-penis is when the length of the penis in erection is less than 8 inches.

The length and thickness of your penis is genetically determined and is predetermined by the peculiarities of physical growth and development. If, for any reason, during the period of puberty is a noticeable lack of production of testosterone, that is the probability of abnormalities in the development of the external genitalia.
The increase in the thickness of the penis
To increase the diameter of the penis has developed several methods. We do not consider methods such as an injection under the skin of the different gel beads, pastes, petroleum jelly, because they are fraught with huge problems. The only way left to go under the skin of the penis is a piece of body tissue taken from another area.
Often the graft is taken from the buttocks. Of the penis, the skin is peeled off, take the flap of skin with subcutaneous fat layer of the buttocks, for example, and have them wrap the shaft of the penis, and then all the way back, it is covered with the skin of the penis. In the end, it is the increase in the thickness of the penis by 1-2 inches is not enough, really, but if you want to learn more, fit a different technique.
The second method of penis enlargement is to be worn on the penis to the flap of the muscles. As the bundles of blood vessels and carefully combined using its own vessels of the penis. A rush of blood during arousal additional network of blood vessels causes more hardening of penis and its thickness increases markedly.
The Penis growth in length of the
Penis size is not only visible to the eyes of the works, about half of its length is concealed within the pelvis. If you want to add a few inches to the length, the doctor simply releases the hidden portion, and the sewing up of the skin. Immerse the patient is under General anesthesia, and the doctor cuts the suspensory ligament of the penis. Incising, which results in elongation of the penis due to its own hidden part.
Surgery for penis enlargement, the patient should wear an extender for 2-6 hours a day for 3-4 months. This is done in order to ensure that the result of the operation, to contribute to the growth of the penile tissues, preventing the formation of adhesions. Sex and the refuse for at least 3 weeks. Recommended wearing not only a tight and supportive underwear.
If you are a man to decide on such a project, you have to be willing to take risks and not be afraid of problems. Complications, which may be in the form of:
- Bleeding, swelling and infection.
- Deformity of the penis.
- The loss of normal sensitivity.
- The volatility during the excitation, the so-called "subluxation" during sex.
- Changing the angle of your erection (not up, forward or down).
- The disorder of erection.
More than half of the patients would expect, not the result of the operation, which was acquired at the end of the process. During the carried-out researches, it was found that multiple operations do not produce the desired effect of the game. Therefore, a hundred times think before to take a decision to increase the penis size. A surgical demonstration is only the length of the penis is almost 8 inches in excited state, and, in all other cases, it is better to be content with what we have, and that it is healthy, as it is a lot of unnecessary problems.